Spring/Summer Term Newsletter

The latest edition of our school newsletter is out now and can be viewed by clicking on the image below or downloading the document at the bottom of this page. We hope you enjoy catching up on some of the exciting activities and ‘virtual’ events that have been happening at Queen’s Park High School over the last couple of terms.
Featured in this latest edition we are excited to introduce our new Headteacher Mr Kearns who will be joining us in September. We reveal which ‘Young Writers’ have been selected to have their mystery stories published; who has been announced ‘ Best in School’ in the UKMT National Mathematics Challenge; whether our Year 7 biologists managed to extract the DNA from a banana!; how students tested their stamina in an attempt to ‘walk around the world’ in a whole school fitness challenge for charity; we unveil our new mental health and wellbeing strategy as the result of an £8.8K grant and why the school’s Rowing Club was the first in the country to benefit from RALPHH funding for life-saving equipment!
Plus, we discover ‘where are they now’, defining the futures of former students, we celebrate creativity in art and design, learn about global issues and restoring our earth and students live chat with industry professionals to seek careers within the NHS!
Find out about all this and more!
Happy reading!