Year 11 Futures Evening

We are delighted to premier this unmissable digital event for Year 11 students and their families through our YouTube channel at 6.00pm on Wednesday 18th November 2020.
We are excited to invite Year 11 students and their parents/carers to our Virtual Futures’ Evening which will be made available to watch on our YouTube channel at 6.00pm on Wednesday 18th November. This digital event is one element of the process of guidance with Year 11 students which will help them with the important tasks of preparing thoroughly for their GCSE exams and making informed choices about their education over the next two or three years and beyond.
During the evening we will provide students with guidance on the best way of preparing for their up-coming GCSEs in terms of organisation and revision and they will also have the opportunity to find out more about the different pathways which are available post GCSE.
The digital event will cover the following:
- An overview about the year ahead and pastoral support available for students - talk by Mrs Cutler, Key Stage 4 Leader.
- The process of enrolment into Queen's Park High School Sixth Form - presentation by Mrs Prydden, Head of Sixth Form.
- Exploring the differences between A Levels, Apprenticeships and study at college, including the support and guidance on offer - presentation by Mrs Watts, Careers Lead.
- Advice on helping to support students as they work towards their GCSEs and how to structure revision - Mr Yeoman, Assistant Headteacher/Teaching and Learning Lead.
- Q&A online session - an opportunity for students/parents/carers to ask questions
Making decisions about the next stage in a young person's educational journey can be difficult and it is important families have all the information they need to make informed choices.
We anticipate the event will be finished by 6:45pm but staff will also be online to answer any questions after the presentations.
A link to this digital event on our YouTube channel will be sent to students via EduLink on the day.
We hope families will be able to join us, albeit virtually!