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Religious Studies

Subject: RE
Contact: Mrs E Merryweather


All students study Religious Education at Key Stages 3 and 4. It is offered as an option at KS5 where we offer an A Level in Religious Studies. Throughout each Key Stage students study a wide variety of world religions and ethical and philosophical themes. The aim of RE as a subject is to make a distinctive contribution to the school curriculum by developing pupils' knowledge and understanding of religion, religious beliefs, practices, language and traditions and their influence on individuals, communities, societies and cultures. It enables students to consider and respond to a range of important questions related to their own spiritual development, the development of values and attitudes and fundamental questions concerning the meaning and purpose of life.

KEy staGe 3 


Students are taught in mixed ability classes in Years 7, 8 & 9. We start in Year 7 with an introductory course “Philosophy for Kids”, which introduces students to the beginnings of religious belief and philosophical concepts.  They study the six main world religions of Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Islam over the 3 years. RE is taught as an academic subject as we are a non-denominational school. Students complete two key assessments per term and their levels of achievement help inform their teacher-assessed levels on their reports.  Throughout Key Stage 3 students are given opportunities to improve their skills in writing and exam specific skills in preparation for GCSE.

Curriculum Content


Autumn Term 

Spring Term 

Summer Term 


Christianity, Ethics and Philosophy, including  baseline assessment

Atheism and Humanism Judaism: Beliefs & Practices

Judaism: Beliefs & Practices


 Christianity and the life of Jesus

Hinduism Beliefs and Practices

Human rights, equality and diversity


Beliefs and Practices in Buddhism


Introduction to Ethics and philosophy

Beliefs & Practices in Sikhism 

Islamic Beliefs & Practices

Islamic Beliefs & Practices

Assessment Criteria

Please find below the assessment benchmarks for Religious Studies. A child progresses across the grid (from A-I) when they demonstrate a deeper knowledge and wider range of skills in each assessment carried out.

Key staGe 4  CORE RE


Students are taught in ability groups at Key Stage 4 based on their prior attainment and targets in English. Our core RE course is non-examined and students have one lesson per two week cycle. It aims to cover ethical and philosophical concepts from both religious and secular perspectives.  The topic content compliments but does not overlap with our RE GCSE full course.

Curriculum Content


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


Crime and Punishment:

QFL – Is the death penalty ever justified?

Crime and Punishment.

Includes the Justice System UK

Medical Issues

Medical Issues: IVF, transplants, Genetic Engineering

QFL – Is everyone entitled to treatment?

What makes a person?


Matters of life and Death:

QFL – Is life always sacred?

Inc Life after death, Abortion, Euthanaisa

Matters of Life and Death.

Matters of Life and Death

Peace and Conflict

Peace and Conflict:

QFL – Who should be responsible for Terrorist acts?


Key stage 4 GCSE  


We follow the AQA GCSE syllabus for Religious Studies A 8062. It is a linear course, examined at the end of Year 11. The department prepares students for these final exams with regular exam practice and opportunities to develop evaluative writing skills. The RE specification offers a variety of relevant and contemporary themes, ensuring that students have a diverse choice of intriguing subjects to explore and discuss. Students will learn how religion, philosophy and ethics form the basis of our culture, and develop valuable skills that will help prepare them for further study.

Students are taught in 5 hours a fortnight.

Exam board and course

AQA Religious Studies A (8062)

Curriculum Content


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


Christianity: Beliefs and Teachings.

Theme E: Religion Crime and Punishment

Christianity: Beliefs and Teachings

Theme E: Religion Crime and Punishment

Sikhism: Beliefs and Teachings.

Theme B: Religion and Life

Sikhism: Beliefs and Teachings.

Christianity Practices

Theme B: Religion and Life


Matters of life and Death:

QFL – Is life always sacred?

Inc Life after death, Abortion, Euthanaisa

Matters of Life and Death.

Matters of Life and Death Peace and Conflict

Peace and Conflict:

QFL – Who should be responsible for Terrorist acts?


Enrichment opportunities

  • Visit to Sri Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara Manchester
  • Vardy Religious Studies conference for GCSE students
  • Religious studies revision workshops Chester University Theology and Religious studies dept.
  • RE enrichment group - Thursday’s 12.20-12.55 in LBI7 with Mrs Merryweather and Nick Sherrat from C.S.C.W.

Useful websites to support learning

AQA GCSE specification website
BBC Bitesize website
Society of Biblical Literature website
hwb wales website
Dialogue: a journal of religion and philosophy. website
The Philosophers' Magazine. website
Provides basic philosophical information. website
A link to the news stories in the Guardian that have an ethical theme. website
Good overview of ethics – in charts. website
Romp-through-ethics-complete-beginners website