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School Uniform

At Queen’s Park High School we expect a high standard of personal appearance from all our students whether this is in school during the day or equally as ambassadors beyond the school gates. 

Our school uniform encourages a sense of community, develops a sense of pride and belonging, whilst also preparing our students for life beyond education. We welcome parental support to help maintain our high expectations.

Any student not in full school uniform or whose appearance does not meet our standards, may spend the day with their tutor, be put in internal exclusion or be sent home to change. If there is a genuine emergency then a note should be brought into school for the attention of the tutor. Should you have any questions about our uniform policy, then please do not hesitate to contact us at school and we will be able to add further clarification as necessary.

For students in Years 7-11 the uniform is as follows:

Uniform Requirements

Additional Guidance:

Navy blue blazer with school logo

To be worn at all times

(optional) Navy blue V neck jumper with school logo 

No other type of jumper/sweatshirt 

Black school skirt / black school trousers / black knee length tailored shorts (to be purchased from Uniformity if required)

Skirts to be loose fitting and no shorter than just above the knee (no pencil/stretch skirts)

Trousers must be smart, tailored/straight cut or bootleg (not tight-fitting/stretch/leggings and no denim/chinos)
Shorts must be smart / tailored/straight cut and no shorter than just above the knee

Plain white shirt

Long or short sleeved, buttoned to the top and tucked in

School Tie

To be worn at all times at an appropriate length with lion emblem clearly visible

Plain black tights or black, grey, navy or white socks 


Black Footwear

Flat or low heeled plain black footwear – lace up, velcro fastening or slip on. No boots (please refer to the attached document at the bottom of this page for the QPHS footwear guide)

Outdoor waterproof coat – as plain as possible

Large enough to be worn over a blazer.
To be removed at all times within the school building

Kit for PE/Sport

Additional Guidance:

Polo shirt - navy with school logo


Shorts or Skorts or Sports Leggings - navy  Compulsory
Optional with school logo
Sport socks - navy Optional (unless for football or hockey to hold shin pads) 
Training shoes Compulsory 
Football boots are required for outdoor football/rugby Compulsory for boys. Girls will need football boots if they intend to play in the team.
Shin pads for football and hockey Compulsory  
1/4 zip mid layer top - Navy Optional for cold weather
Gum Shield (for rugby & hockey) Optional (can be purchased from Sports Direct & all good sports shops)

How to order school uniform

For information on how to order and purchase our school uniform, please click on the link below: 

Further expectations around appearance:


Jewellery is limited to a watch, one stud in each ear and one charity band. No other piercings are allowed.


Hair styles must be appropriate for school and not infringe health and safety. Students should refrain from having extreme hairstyles or brightly coloured hair during school time. Hair should be one natural colour. Hair styles should also not be excessively short or shaven (not less than a number two).


In Years 7-9, make-up should not be worn.
From Year 10 upwards – light, natural looking make-up may be worn – no lipstick, eye-shadow etc. Students will be asked to remove any make-up which is deemed by the school to be excessive or inappropriate.


No coloured nail varnish allowed. Acrylic/gel nails are also not suitable for school and should therefore not be worn.


We only allow plain black shoes. We have taken on board feedback about some hybrid style sports footwear which is simply a branded version of the same shoe style which can be bought in places such as Clarks and we will therefore permit this style from September 2022. Whether branded or not, this footwear must be completely black and have no coloured logos, soles, laces or embellishments. .

Please download the document below which illustrates exactly the types of footwear we do and do not allow.